Not Checked Last updated:
09/05/2024 11:25am


The costs of maintenance for the Eruv are approximately £30,000/year . It is very important that everyone helps with this great mitzva. We ask that everyone donate a minimum of £5/month or £60/year to cover these costs

Please note that as it is a mitzva to construct the Eruv, you can use maaser money to donate to the construction.

There are several ways to donate: -

Donate Online with PayPal or a Credit Card etc

You don't need an account with PayPal to do a one off donation

How much would you like to donate? £
How often?
If you are a UK taxpayer, the value of your donation can increase by at least 25% under the Gift Aid scheme -- at no additional cost to you! Please tick the box below to join the Gift Aid scheme.
Gift aid

Donate by Cheque

Please post your cheque to
The Manchester Eruv Committee
7 Wells Avenue

Please make it payable to The Manchester Eruv Committee. Also, the value of your donation can increase by at least 25% under the Gift Aid scheme -- at no additional cost to you! Please download the gift aid form, print it, complete it and return it to us with the cheque.

Donate by Bank Transfer/Standing Order

Please contact us if you would like our bank details. We don't list them publicly for security reasons.


If you have any enquiries about donating, please call 0161 883 1333