Not Checked Last updated:
09/05/2024 8:39pm

The Manchester Eruv

Under the Supervision of the Manchester Beth Din

Please do not take your Eruv for granted

The annual costs of maintenance for the Eruv are around £30,000 a year…..
Any surplus funds we receive on top of the required maintenance requirements will go towards building further extensions to the Eruv e.g. Crumpsall Hospital etc. As we are a rapidly growing community, the Eruv will need to be regularly extended to cover new areas.

Please Donate

Please donate on a weekly basis & you will receive a text/email notification message every Friday on the status of the Eruv.

To donate on line, please click here
To donate by cheque, please click here
To donate by Bank Transfer/Standing order
To contact our Donation Helpline please call 0161 883 1333 and press option 1

We ask that everyone donate a minimum of £5/month or £60/year to cover these costs.